Jan 5, 2014

Chat with friends using Command Prompt!

 Chat With Your Friends!!

    Windows has many inbuilt features, but most of us didn't use those inbuilt features.. One of those inbuilt feature is Command Prompt. We can make chat with our friends using this command prompt.

 Follow this Steps:
 1 )  For this you need  your friend's IP Address.

2 ) First Open Notepad in your pc  and write this code as it is. @echo off:AClsecho MESSENGERset /p n=User:set /p m=Message:net send %n% %m%PauseGoto A
3 ) Now save the file  as "Messenger.Bat".
4 ) Now  Open the Command Prompt.
[ you can open it by pressing winkey+R and enter cmd in it]

5 )  Drag the file (.bat file) over to Command Prompt and press Enter.
6 ) Now it's all over, type the IP Address of the computer you want to contact and press enter.
     Now all you need to do is type your message, press Enter and Start Chatting.

<--hope it worths-->


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